Are you currently raising funds for an individual to help him or her with unforeseen expenses due to health problems or job loss for example? If the funds raised aren’t sufficient to help the individual avoid extreme financial hardship or even poverty, consider helping him or her apply for one of the personal grants available at will help individuals and families in a dire financial situation due to no fault of their own and no other means to pay.
The grants available are:
Self-Sufficiency Grants
Modest Needs will make payment to a creditor for an expense on behalf of an otherwise self-sufficient individual or family for a relatively small, emergency expense which the individual or family could not have anticipated or prepared for. This must be a short-term emergency expense that must be paid if you are to remain self-sufficient, but that you do not have the means to afford without assistance.
Back-to-Work Grants
Modest Needs will make a payment for a small fee or expense that will allow a temporarily unemployed individual to return to productive, full-time employment.
Independent Living Grants
Modest Needs will make payment to a creditor for an expense on behalf of persons who are permanently unable to work but who nevertheless are living independently on the limited income to which they are entitled – their retirement income, or their permanent disability income, for example.
For more details about the grants, go to
While you’re there, consider making a donation yourself.
Then browse a list of prequalified grant applications and vote for applications you find most urgent.
Read more about Who Is ModestNeeds? on their blog.
For more tips about raising funds for individuals, read Maintaining Respect And Compassion When Fundraising For An Individual.