Managing fundraisers from a financial perspective is difficult for nearly every group. With a little ingenuity and a concerted effort, any group can raise funds without spending much money at all. Some don’t require any exceptional efforts, either!     To help your group get started fundraising for little or no money, here are 5

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cheerleader team

Spirit fundraisers are the ideal fit for fundraisers for schools, sports teams, cheerleaders, dance groups, boosters clubs, youth groups, and more. What makes spirit fundraisers popular Spirit fundraisers fulfill the demand of club members, parents, and supporters looking to show their support. In many cases, supporters plan for and budget for spirit apparel and other

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Maybe you’ve never thought of lollipops as a viable fundraising product, but lollipop fundraisers are popular, well-received, profitable, and economical, too. What more could you ask for? But to be even more specific, following are some good reasons why lollipops should be on your list of products to consider when deciding on your next fundraiser.

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Americans love their coffee. That makes this manageable grocery item an ideal choice for a product-based coffee fundraiser! (More fundraising ideas.) Running a coffee fundraiser Coffee fundraisers are often run as a catalog (or brochure) fundraiser. The coffee fundraising company you choose will provide your group members with all the marketing materials they need. Buyers

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Pizza is a wildly popular food across the nation; that fact needs no repeating. Pizza is a staple food in many homes simply because it is fun and convenient, not to mention great tasting. Now fundraising companies have found a variety of ways to cash in on the popularity of pizza for wildly popular and

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chocolates fundraiser

Everybody loves chocolate! This simple fact is what makes chocolate fundraisers such successful and popular means of fundraising. Running A Chocolate Fundraiser Chocolate fundraisers can be either cash-and-carry sales or brochure and catalog order taking events. They may consist of quick and easy candy bar sales or more complex catalog sales offering customers a wide

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candy box

Looking for an easy and fast way to make money with an appealing product that virtually sells itself? Fundraising candy boxes are the order of the day. What’s A Candy Box Fundraiser? Fundraising with fundraiser candy boxes is very simple. You order pre-packed boxes of single-serve candies, distribute a box for each child or seller,

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Stationary fundraisers can include but also go beyond holiday card and gift wrap fundraisers Stationary Fundraiser Basics Stationary fundraisers are usually run via the brochure sales method. Your partnering fundraising company will supply brochures and order takers for sellers to present to buyers. Orders are usually paid for at the time of order. After the

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Candle selling is a 2 billion dollar plus industry (not including accessories). That’s a huge market that is definitely worth tapping to raise funds for your organization. Candle sales consist primarily of the sale of the very popular scented candles consumers buy to make their homes a better place to be. Scented candles are available

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With so many fundraising options these days, it is the unique and creative ones that get the best response. Brick fundraisers are both unique and creative, and pay lasting recognition to donors. Fundraising committees naturally first look for the best product they think supporters will buy or event they think their supporters would like to

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T-shirt and apparel fundraisers are well-received by customers for several reasons: T-shirts and apparel are fun and fashionable T-shirts and apparel are useful; they are needed items that consumers would be buying anyway T-shirts and apparel can show support for secondary organizations (such as save the whales, save the earth, support education…) while financially supporting

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Baked goods fundraiser

Cheese cakes, other bakery products and gourmet foods are very popular fundraiser items. They are easy to sell and well-received, and can turn a sizable profit with organizations often keeping as much as 60% of sales returns. Bakery goods, such as cookies, pies, cheese cakes, cookie doughs, and gourmet food and baked-goods mixes, do well

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Whether you’re planning on using reusable and customized water and sports bottles, or water bottles that bear your group’s label, this type of fundraiser presents yet another simple and inexpensive fundraising option. Basics of Running a Water Bottle Fundraiser Water bottle fundraisers are run primarily through on-hand sales events. Your group will purchase water sports

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giftwrap fundraiser

There comes a time when everyone is in need of gift wrap and greeting cards. Your next fundraiser can be a year-round supply train for your supporters. Gift wrap fundraising why and when Gift wrap and greeting card fundraisers have been popular for several years now for one elemental reason – everyone uses gift wrap

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