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  • End Of Year Fundraising Appeal

Waiting till the end of the year to send your end of year fundraising appeal isn’t always procrastination – it can actually help you raise more money! That is due to the fact that about half of all donations and about 40% of online donations come in at year end.

Why? Many individuals and companies wait till year end to take advantage of tax breaks and other tax advantages. By year end they know where they stand financially, how much they can afford to donate and how a donation could actually help them save money in other areas of their finances.

Not every donation incurs tax advantages though, because each individual’s and business’ tax situation is different. Also, if your group is not a registered non-profit, donations to your group are most likely not tax deductible. Take care to not make promises for tax advantages in your appeal.


year end


We have lots of free-to-copy-and-paste fundraising letters posted on our site that you can use for your end of year fundraising appeal. To help put together your final fundraising appeal for year end that you can send out per mail, print in a newsletter, or other communications, consider the following resources:


Thank your supporters and add a request for a final donation for the year:

Specific fundraising requests for your end of year fundraising appeal:

Help with writing your end of year fundraising appeal:


Regardless if your end of year fundraising appeal is sent via mail, newsletter, or Twitter, don’t forget to include clear and detailed information on how and where to make a donation. This is also important, if you send your supporters to your website to make a donation: A donorCentrics Internet Giving Benchmarking Analysis stated that on 17% of the fundraising sites tested, users couldn’t find where to make a donation! If your supporters can’t easily find where and how to make a donation, they may not make one at all.

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