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  • Corporate Gift Matching Software Can Be A Game Changer For Your CRM

Corporate gift matching software can be a game changer for your CRM

It is no secret that nonprofits thrive off of the relationships they build with their donor base. Nonprofit organizations are fueled by the support, time, and dollars given by their donors. The maintenance of these donor relationships is crucial, but the best way to grow these relationships is constantly evolving.

As you think about this ever-changing fundraising landscape, consider the ways your CRM serves organizations. CRMs are flexible by design and intended to be customized to best suit the organization using them but the best CRMs go beyond just data management, they partner and integrate with other valuable fundraising and relationships management tools.

While optimal CRM customization may vary from cause to cause, all fundraising organizations can benefit from corporate gift matching software. 

Corporate gift matching automation is an extremely valuable but often underutilized fundraising tool. Millions of donors don’t even realize that gift matching is an option and are unknowingly leaving dollars on the table. With automated gift matching software, corporate giving can become an integral part of an organization’s fundraising practices. The ideal corporate gift matching software should inform donors of the potential for gift matching while seamlessly integrating into your existing CRM to enrich all of your existing relationship management tools.

But how can you know what to look for in your gift matching automation software? Read on to find out!

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Save Tech Time with Simple Implementation

Your technical resources are valuable, so the last thing you need is to be dealing with complicated technical components as you attempt to integrate a gift matching tool into your existing software. This is why you should look for a gift matching program with a formalized implementation process.

You want an implementation process that is easy to understand, easy to follow, and easy to execute. The ideal gift matching software integration should be easily accomplished in one sprint. For example, 360MatchPro by Double the Donation has a simple, well-documented implementation process which means in just a few clicks, you can add corporate gift matching to your CRM’s fundraising arsenal. 

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Beyond the ease of implementation, you also want to choose a software that can be integrated throughout your entire software ecosystem. Integrations grant you more power and flexibility, so you want to ensure that you are choosing a widely integrated and effective tool to add to your CRM. The idea here is to simplify things for your organization and your clients by cutting down on the required tech time. 

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Synchronize Systems to Drive Donations

Another important aspect to consider when adding gift matching tools to your CRM is how gift matching can aid in your clients’ current fundraising practices. You want a gift matching software that provides your nonprofit organizations with digestible insights and analytics without interfering with any of their existing donor data. 

With features like 2-way sync, you can ensure that your gift matching tool adds value to organizations by allowing them to build upon their established fundraising practices. The data collected by a gift matching tool will differ from the data collected from event participation statistics or from volunteer sign-up sheets, but every insight can prove useful for your nonprofit organizations. With 2-way sync, nonprofits will be able to identify trends and commonalities among their donor base to create the most comprehensive fundraising strategy possible.

The flow of information between the gift matching software and your CRM allows your clients to collect and store important donor information in both platforms simultaneously. This allows nonprofits to more effectively plan future outreach strategies based on the donor information they have collected. For example, if an organization has several donors who work for The Home Depot, they can use that information as they plan for upcoming fundraisers.

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Automate Client Communication to Deepen Donor Relationships

Effectively engaging with donors is essential to the success of your clients and tailored messaging can serve as a vital part of that engagement. You want to help your clients ensure that their donors feel seen, appreciated, and connected to their mission.

A great way to guarantee effective communication is to utilize donor demographics when composing messages. Passing donation information from a gift matching software back to your CRM enables your clients to choose communication channels and timelines that best align with the lives of their donors.

Automated emails are an excellent way to remind donors of the gift matching process and encourage them to complete it if they are eligible. With gift matching software that offers customizable, automated emails, clients can schedule emails to remind their donors about gift matching while expressing gratitude for their continued support. It is important for nonprofits to maintain that organization-specific tailored messaging in follow-up emails to reinforce their connection with their donors, so you want a gift matching software that allows your clients to do just that.

Using embedded links in follow-up emails is another incredibly useful tool as it connects the donor to the matching gifts process in just one click. The best and most effective matching gift software uses these automated follow-up emails to encourage donors to check their eligibility while presenting them with actionable next steps. By equipping your clients with software that provides automated emails about gift matching opportunities, you give them more fundraising power!

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Expand Your CRM with Gift Matching Software

Your CRM system can set your clients up for success with a consolidated way to track and view all of their donor data and information. Your CRM likely serves as the central piece of software for many nonprofit organizations, but the other software tools that integrate with your CRM are just as crucial in helping these nonprofits optimize their fundraising and communication.

This is why it is important to choose an automated gift matching software that makes things easier for you and your clients! Modern nonprofits are turning to online resources to help them raise awareness, grow revenue, and build relationships. You want to offer them a gift matching program that helps them accomplish these goals without overcomplicating things.

As you search for the right gift-matching software to integrate with your CRM, remember to look for the features mentioned above. Gift matching software that is easily implemented, user-friendly, and can automate outreach emails could be a game-changer for your nonprofit clients’ fundraising outcomes.

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