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  • How to Maximize Your Auction Revenue with a Paddle Raise

Running a successful auction is no small feat. Between securing the right items, engaging your audience, and ensuring bidding runs smoothly, it’s easy to feel like you’re juggling one too many flaming swords. Yet, even with the perfect catalog of items, many nonprofits struggle to reach their full revenue potential. What’s often missing? A strategic way to rally your audience around your cause and inspire them to give with excitement.

Enter the paddle raise—your auction’s not-so-secret weapon. Unlike traditional bidding wars, where guests compete for a single prize, a paddle raise invites everyone to participate, regardless of who wins the auction items. It’s a fast-paced, high-energy moment that gives attendees the chance to raise their paddles and pledge to donate directly to your cause.

Not only does this bring an electrifying energy to the room, but it also turns individual contributions into a collective effort that drives substantial revenue. While there are countless creative ways to keep donations rolling in throughout your event, a well-executed paddle raise remains a standout option for driving significant revenue. Let’s explore how your nonprofit can tap in.

1. Understand paddle raise basics.

Before you can host a successful paddle raise, it’s important to understand exactly what a paddle raise is and how it works. A paddle raise is a fundraising segment, typically at the end of an auction, where guests pledge donations directly to your cause. Instead of bidding on items, attendees raise their paddles to give at specific levels announced by the auctioneer.

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Guests receive paddles with numbers, just like in a traditional live auction.
  2. The auctioneer announces donation amounts, instead of auction items, starting at a lower level and working up.
  3. Attendees raise their paddles to donate at the level that suits them best.
  4. Event staff or your auction software records each bid to ensure no donations are missed and pledges are processed smoothly.

Using auction software can simplify the process of hosting a successful paddle raise, just like it improves your auctions. The right platform will ensure seamless donation tracking, eliminating human error and streamlining the process, so you can focus on engaging your donors rather than paperwork.

Paddle raises are popular because they create an exciting, communal atmosphere. Donors appreciate the opportunity to give directly, knowing their contribution is part of a larger, collective effort to support the cause. Plus, paddle raises make it easy for guests who didn’t win any items to still make an impact on your organization. It’s a simple yet powerful way to maximize fundraising while engaging the entire room.

2. Plan your giving increments strategically.

To plan a successful paddle raise, it’s crucial to set giving increments that appeal to a wide range of donors while offering flexibility. The goal is to create a mix of donation levels that both minor and major donors feel comfortable contributing to. This way, you ensure that every guest can participate in the excitement, regardless of their giving capacity.

Effective increments should include lower-level donations, like $50 or $100, that allow smaller donors to give, while larger amounts, like $1,000 or $5,000, cater to your major donors. However, be careful not to go too high without securing commitments from your largest donors ahead of time. Reaching out to major donors and confirming their willingness to give at higher levels during the event ensures that those gifts will come in.

For example, a paddle raise might start with $50, then move to $100, $250, $500, $1,000, and finally $5,000. This range gives donors the chance to give at a level that feels comfortable for them while creating momentum as the amounts increase. No matter what increments you choose, your auctioneer should start with the smallest amounts and work up to the highest, building excitement and maximizing donations along the way.

3. Hire an auctioneer.

Unlike some traditional auction practices that have become outdated (we’re looking at you, paper bid sheets), auctioneers remain a critical part of live auctions and paddle raises. A skilled auctioneer does more than just announce bids—they’re the heartbeat of the room. It’s their job to build excitement and drive donations in real time. The right auctioneer can transform a good event into a great one, helping your nonprofit raise significantly more money.

When hiring an auctioneer, look for a professional with:

  • A Benefit Auction Specialist (BAS) certification, which ensures they’re trained specifically for fundraising events.
  • Experience hosting paddle raises and live auctions, so they’re comfortable leading the room.
  • Willingness to learn about key donors beforehand, which can help them personalize the experience and connect with your audience.
  • Willingness to travel and attend the event in person, ensuring they’re fully immersed in the atmosphere.
  • Alignment with your event budget, so you can maximize your revenue without overspending.

Even if you’re using auction software, having a professional auctioneer on stage is crucial for engaging guests and ensuring your paddle raise is a success. We recommend using both to get the best of both worlds!

4. Find a donor willing to match gifts.

A matching gifts challenge is a powerful way to supercharge your paddle raise. In this scenario, a generous donor agrees to match donations up to a certain amount, effectively doubling the impact of every dollar raised during the event. For example, if a donor pledges to match up to $50,000, your fundraising total could double by the end of the night, helping you exceed your revenue goals.

Adding a matching element to your paddle raise boosts your fundraising in two key ways: First, your total funds raised will increase significantly. Second, individual donors may be motivated to give more, knowing their contribution will have double the impact. A $500 donation suddenly feels like $1,000 when it’s matched!

To find a donor who’s willing to match donations, start by reaching out to past major donors, board members, or sponsors who have shown a strong commitment to your cause. Once you secure a matching donor, be sure to promote this exciting opportunity leading up to the event—both in your email campaigns and event marketing. For instance, you might say, “Every donation during our paddle raise will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling your impact!” This kind of announcement is sure to drive engagement and enthusiasm.

Auctions and paddle raises work exceptionally well together, creating a powerful combination that enhances your fundraising events. While traditional auctions encourage competition for individual items, paddle raises foster a sense of community and shared purpose among attendees. This dynamic shift energizes the room and also maximizes your revenue potential.

By integrating a curated auction experience with the excitement of a paddle raise, you engage donors at every level, ensuring that everyone feels valued and part of the cause. When you blend the strategic elements of both auctions and paddle raises, you’re not just raising funds; you’re building lasting relationships that benefit your nonprofit long-term. So, as you plan your next event, remember that this powerful pairing can turn your fundraising efforts into a truly impactful experience.

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