Halloween is a great time for fundraisers, because usually people don’t have family or travel commitments on this holiday. There are different ways to use a Halloween favorite – the pumpkin – to raise funds for your organization: Pumpkin Patch You can purchase pumpkins in bulk from a local farmer and sell them in a

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tips for setting up fundraiser booths and shows - image of booth

Fundraising booths are elemental in fundraising; and there are plenty of opportunities to set up a fundraising booth of any kind. Where to Set up Fundraising Booths Fundraising booths can be set up by themselves in areas of high traffic for a solitary event, or they can be part of a larger event or fundraising

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One attractive and relatively easy way to raise needed cash is a bowling fundraiser. One of the advantages of this approach to fundraising is that you don’t need a lot of money to start out with to hold the fundraiser. Smaller organizations that don’t have an operating budget to draw from for overhead costs may

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Want to raise money, have lots of fun, and get everyone in your organization involved all at the same time? Hold a carnival fundraiser! A carnival fundraiser doesn’t have to include expensive rides, as long as you have plenty of fun games to offer. Besides booth games, consider sure hits like a dunk tank and

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The following is a guest post by Galit Fraser, owner of My Notecard Maker. Thanks you for the fundraising idea Galit! Notecard fundraisers are easy, economical, and popular, especially with schools and churches.  They offer a great way to showcase students’ art, photos of animals, weddings, inspirational quotes, and more. Tips for using a notecard

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Restaurant Discount Card Fundraiser

Want a fundraiser that supports local businesses, keeps money in your community, has the publicity and support of area merchants, is welcomed by supporters and raises big funds fast? Sound impossible? Read on and learn about Discount Card fundraisers. What is a discount card fundraiser? A discount card fundraiser consists of selling pre-printed cards that

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Ink cartridge and cell phone recycling fundraisers are very popular because they are super easy and keep millions of useful cartridges and cell phones out of landfills. There are several things your organization can do to make your ink cartridge and cell phone recycling program even more successful. Be A Good Partner Be a good

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scratch card fundraiser cards

Fast, simple, fun, and profitable – if you think these are great attributes of a fundraising product, you need to know about fundraising with scratch cards. Great also if you have little time to plan and you need to start a fundraiser NOW! Is it a lottery? Scratch cards in general are usually associated with

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Hosting a car wash is a great way to raise funds. Plus, a car wash is a great way for members of your organization to get to know each other and have fun. A car wash fund raiser is particularly suited to teen school groups and organizations. To host a car wash, you’ll need just

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dancing fundraiser

School or community dances are great fun for middle and high school aged kids. And, they also happen to be a great way to raise funds, because they’re high on appeal and low on cost and effort. Valentine’s Day and spring are the two most popular times to host a dance; though it’s not necessarily

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The bunny side of Easter is all about fun; that makes it easy to capitalize on the spirit of this holiday and host a fun-filled event-based Easter Fundraiser – like a Bunny Hop! Planning an Easter Bunny Hop Essentially, a Bunny Hop is nothing more that a themed dance. In this case, though, you are

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If your organization is like most, you’re finding it harder and harder to bring in donations as the economy slows. Tough times mean that non-profits must get creative in order to keep their important programs up and running. Following are some suggestions to help you find alternatives to your more traditional fundraising methods. Look for

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Fundraisers are run for the benefit of worthwhile groups, so it seems only natural that there should be a sense of responsibility and philanthropy attached to them. More and more these days what is responsible and philanthropic is to save the world we live in by practicing green-living and working. Your group can come on

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Reusable shopping bags are cropping up in every store and now in fundraisers as well. Using reusable shopping bags is one of the easiest and impacting ways to do something good for the environment. What’s better than raising funds for your group and helping the environment with this green fundraiser at the same time! Stores

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Magazine fundraisers are popular because they provide a product that people are already buying. Online magazine fundraisers take it a step further, presenting some great benefits. The appeal of online magazine fundraisers There are some excellent advantages of running magazine fundraisers online: There are no door to door sales involved. The potential outreach is vast.

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