A golf fundraiser can raise substantial amounts of money and is a great way to attract a large number of supporters for your cause. It is also a great way to entice members of the business community to participate. Many of them probably already play golf – it is a great way to have meetings

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used electronics recycling

Raising cash by recycling electronics doesn’t just help your group, it also helps prevent e-waste by keeping millions of TVs, computers etc. out of landfills. But more electronics recycling programs have become available recently, not just for cell phones, but for many different types of electronics, including, mp3 players, digital cameras, calculators, gaming systems, Blu-Ray

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Have you considered holding a poker fundraiser? Poker fundraisers are becoming increasingly popular and are a fun way to raise money for many causes. Depending on how creative you get, this type of fundraiser can earn your group more funds than you might think. Following are some ideas on how to raise funds with a

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What is a mini fundraiser? It is a fundraiser that can be done quickly and generally doesn’t yield huge profits. So why hold one? Individually mini fundraisers may not yield large sums of income, but collectively these fundraisers can make quite a difference in your finances. Holding mini fundraisers throughout the year is a great

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quick holiday fundraiser - snowman

If you haven’t started yet to plan for your end of the year holiday fundraiser, it’s high time! Fortunately, many of the traditional holiday fundraisers can be organized quickly and don’t take that much effort to organize. If you’re thinking of skipping this fundraising opportunity, because of the economy, or you think you don’t have

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A cell phone fundraiser is an easy way to raise money. You are just getting people to donate their old cell phones, an item they have no more use for anyway. But even though you are making money by collecting phones that people no longer use, you still have to know how to get the

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If you are looking for a truly unique fundraising event then consider a wine tasting fundraiser. This type of fundraiser event takes some special planning considerations but can be a big hit! The key to a successful wine tasting fundraiser The main ingredient to a great wine tasting fundraising event is great wine of course!

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Raising money for a church is simultaneously the easiest and the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Easy, because the church automatically has a volunteer base to draw from; hard, because church volunteers have often volunteered for many years and it may be hard to introduce new ideas. Still, the main strategy for a successful church

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You may think you’ll need to offer a new car, a vacation or other valuable prizes for your raffle fundraiser, but you can have a successful raffle even with smaller prizes. In fact, once you’ll have some success with smaller raffles you may automatically attract donors who are willing to donate an expensive item because

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Create a Facebook Page

Social networking sites are popular with individuals, businesses and causes and an attractive option to market your fundraiser. If you’ve decided you’re ready to take the plunge, here are the steps to creating a Facebook Page for your non-profit. Set up a Page (Not a Group) on Facebook The easiest way to do a Page

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Coming up with new ways to raise money can be a hassle, but when it comes to Relay For Life, fun ideas which are easily scalable are still the way to go. Whether you choose to just use one of these ideas or all of them, you’ll be sure to raise money and increase your

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