fundraising ideas trees

Tree hugger or not, there is no denying the amazing benefits of planting trees, under any circumstances, anywhere in the world. They fight climate change. They clean our air and water. They keep soil from eroding. They create homes for crawly critters and birds. And they are beautiful, improving nearly any landscape. That’s why, no

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last minute fundraising ideas - clock

It is twelve days before New Year’s Eve and you still do not know if you will meet your year-end fundraising goals. This is more common than you think! About a quarter of all nonprofits receive between 26% and 50% of their funding from their year-end ask. (More statistics here.) Here are five last-minute fundraising

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A significant amount of donors wait until year-end to give to non-profits, and it can be difficult to get their attention and stand out with everyone else asking for their gifts. End of year is also the season to convert prospects in the holiday spirit into new donors. But the end of the year is

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nonprofit t-shirts

Whether you are giving your nonprofit t-shirts away as part of a raffle or handing them out to your volunteers, choosing a smart design for your t-shirts is essential. Where nonprofits are concerned, t-shirts are usually the closest thing their volunteers have to a uniform. They identify the wearers as direct participants in a cause,

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halloween fundraiser community

For some of us, Halloween really kicks off the holiday season, although nonprofits don’t always recognize it as an important fundraising celebration. Nevertheless, Halloween traditionally generates plenty of hype and enthusiasm; a sterling opportunity to engage the local community and fundraise all at the same time! Many nonprofits ignore Halloween’s fundraising potential – it’s the

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halloween fundraiser for schools and nonprofits

Halloween might be the new best time to throw a fundraiser.  It has become so popular that it only falls behind Christmas for the most celebrated US holiday. 171 million people partook in some sort of Halloween festivity in 2016, spending more than 8 billion dollars! Here are a few ideas for your nonprofit or

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ckicken poop bingo fundraiser

Adding fun and interesting games like Chicken Poop Bingo to encourage guests to give more at your next event is just a wise use of your time and resources! And that is regardless of whether your next fundraiser is a small cocktail party, a full scale gala, or just a simple community event like a

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game show fundraisers

A game show event modeled after one of the popular game shows is perfect for a fundraising event! For a fun and successful evening that raises lots of funds, select a game show that has been popular and can easily be recreated. The game should also allow several people to participate. To raise money, sell tickets to

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year end fundraising strategies

With the year almost over, your nonprofit is probably looking for ways to optimize your fundraising. Luckily, your supporters are in a giving mood: Up to 50 percent of total annual income for nonprofits comes from the year-end ask alone! Let’s take a look at five ways to to amp up your year-end fundraising:  

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pledge campaigns

A successful pledge campaign requires a good amount of detail work but is worth your while to increase donations. A pledge campaign, simply put, is asking people to commit to giving to your organization or cause at some point in the future or on a regular basis.  Compare a pledge to a “buy now pay

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Millennials are a generous generation, with about 80% giving to charity according to the Blackbaud Generational Giving Report. But how do you get millennials to donate to Your cause? What has worked to appeal to their parents and grandparents will not necessarily work for millennial however, and nonprofits need to rethink their fundraising strategies accordingly

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personal fundraising

From organizing a grassroots community improvement project to creating an eye-opening documentary to writing a nonfiction book about marginalized people, you can do a lot of good to make our world a better place! And you don’t necessarily need to use a crowdfunding platform. There are other resources for successful personal fundraising. If you are

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After a slew of end of year fundraising appeals, holiday events, and the rush (and stress relief) of securing phenomenal gifts and meeting annual goals, nonprofits often take January off from fundraising to plan and focus on other priorities. January, however, is one of the best months to connect with donors!  Here are seven reasons

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