If your group already has a website, click over to part 1. (Tip: Raising funds online may present new legal considerations for your group. It may be best to consult your legal adviser before raising funds online.)     2. IF YOUR GROUP DOESN’T HAVE

Whether your group has a website or not, there are several different ways to fundraise online. Keep reading, if your group already has a website, or read Part 2 if your group doesn’t have a website. If you’re looking for an online fundraising service that

Online magazine fundraisers boast a number of advantages; online magazine fundraisers are inexpensive, easy, profitable, and ongoing, bringing in significant profits both at first launch and for many months beyond. They also have the advantage of being boundless – your group can inexpensively and easily

Product fundraisers seem to be the obvious choice for new fundraising groups. To be sure, product fundraisers do have a lot of ease and convenience to offer, and potential for profitability because companies offering product-based fundraisers often supply marketing materials like catalogs and fliers. But

You’ve spent a lot of time, energy and money on getting your fundraising or charity website set up so that it will be appealing and interesting to your audience. But all of that work is useless if your audience can’t find your site. In the

Missed out on the first 5 Low-Cost Or No-Cost Fundraiser Ideas? Let’s keep the list going – here are five more low-cost and no-cost fundraising ideas: Cook-offs Chili, chowder, BBQ, pie, dessert, whatever your group’s favorite may be. Invite expert and amateur chefs alike to

Managing fundraisers from a financial perspective is difficult for nearly every group. With a little ingenuity and a concerted effort, any group can raise funds without spending much money at all. Some don’t require any exceptional efforts, either!     To help your group get

Spirit fundraisers are the ideal fit for fundraisers for schools, sports teams, cheerleaders, dance groups, boosters clubs, youth groups, and more. What makes spirit fundraisers popular Spirit fundraisers fulfill the demand of club members, parents, and supporters looking to show their support. In many cases,

All of us have memories of raising funds for one item or another. Perhaps it was cookies for Girl Scouts, or wrapping paper around the holidays to help fund the school’s arts program. Whatever those memories might be, the programs that we once participated in

Maybe you’ve never thought of lollipops as a viable fundraising product, but lollipop fundraisers are popular, well-received, profitable, and economical, too. What more could you ask for? But to be even more specific, following are some good reasons why lollipops should be on your list

The “Fundraising Pyramid” refers to a fundraising strategy that can be used by organizations with limited funds and resources so that they can achieve larger, seemingly unreachable fundraising goals. The Fundraising Pyramid – what is it? The fundraising pyramid is a goal-setting and strategy tool

Americans love their coffee. That makes this manageable grocery item an ideal choice for a product-based coffee fundraiser! (More fundraising ideas.) Running a coffee fundraiser Coffee fundraisers are often run as a catalog (or brochure) fundraiser. The coffee fundraising company you choose will provide your

There is some work involved in organizing and maintaining a successful online auction fundraiser, but once your group has the basics down, you’ll find that online auction fundraisers virtually run themselves, and are easily repeated. How to Get Started with an Online Auction Fundraiser The

Creativity is the mother of invention here – and of crazy, fun profitable fundraisers. Out of some creative mind, the Kiss the Pig fundraiser was born. We don’t know how or where, but we do know that lots of groups have adopted this crazy fundraiser

Pizza is a wildly popular food across the nation; that fact needs no repeating. Pizza is a staple food in many homes simply because it is fun and convenient, not to mention great tasting. Now fundraising companies have found a variety of ways to cash