If your organization’s cash flow is a little rocky right now, you might want to take a look at setting up a monthly giving program for individual donors. These giving programs can help individuals contribute to your organization easily and can help ensure that you ...

Congratulations! You’ve become the official recipient of a grant! Now what? Well, the first thing to do, once you’ve received the money either in the form of a check or sometimes as part of a contract, is to write back to the grant foundation and ...

Want a fundraiser that supports local businesses, keeps money in your community, has the publicity and support of area merchants, is welcomed by supporters and raises big funds fast? Sound impossible? Read on and learn about Discount Card fundraisers. What is a discount card fundraiser? ...

Ink cartridge and cell phone recycling fundraisers are very popular because they are super easy and keep millions of useful cartridges and cell phones out of landfills. There are several things your organization can do to make your ink cartridge and cell phone recycling program ...

Fast, simple, fun, and profitable – if you think these are great attributes of a fundraising product, you need to know about fundraising with scratch cards. Great also if you have little time to plan and you need to start a fundraiser NOW! Is it ...

Hosting a car wash is a great way to raise funds. Plus, a car wash is a great way for members of your organization to get to know each other and have fun. A car wash fund raiser is particularly suited to teen school groups ...

School or community dances are great fun for middle and high school aged kids. And, they also happen to be a great way to raise funds, because they’re high on appeal and low on cost and effort. Valentine’s Day and spring are the two most ...

Silent auctions make great, low-cost fundraisers. They are also great social events, since you’ll usually generate a crowd, who’ll often stay around until the end for the very last sale. Following are some tips for hosting a silent auction for your organization. Find a Venue ...

Obviously it’s impossible to make a blanket statement and say that “all foundations want x,” but there is one thing all foundations want to know: Can you be trusted? If they can reasonably answer that question, “Yes,” then you will go far in the grant-seeking ...

The bunny side of Easter is all about fun; that makes it easy to capitalize on the spirit of this holiday and host a fun-filled event-based Easter Fundraiser – like a Bunny Hop! Planning an Easter Bunny Hop Essentially, a Bunny Hop is nothing more ...

If your organization is like most, you’re finding it harder and harder to bring in donations as the economy slows. Tough times mean that non-profits must get creative in order to keep their important programs up and running. Following are some suggestions to help you ...

With growing fundraising needs across society, the need to approach trusts and foundations for support is increasing. Grants fundraising takes persistence, determination, imagination and creativity! Here are my top five tips to writing successful grant proposals:     1. Do your homework These days most ...

If you’ve been considering filing for 501(c)(3) status for your group, but are still hesitating, here’s another good reason not to postpone it any longer: If your group has current 501(c)(3) status (K-12 schools also qualify), you’ll be eligible to apply for free software donations ...

Fundraisers are run for the benefit of worthwhile groups, so it seems only natural that there should be a sense of responsibility and philanthropy attached to them. More and more these days what is responsible and philanthropic is to save the world we live in ...

You might have already had to answer the following question when you applied for non-profit status. However, instead of just copying the same answers into your grant application, take a second look and see if you can’t possibly tweak or update this information. Maybe your ...