In this post, we’ll cover some quick tips for measuring virtual nonprofit event success.

When it comes to planning a nonprofit fundraising event, nonprofits have to compare the various differences between virtual and in-person formats. For example, attendee engagement during in-person events is more straightforward. Attendees might mingle with each other, listen to a live presentation, or participate in different activities like dancing or an auction. Virtual events require a

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Promote nonprofit events and reach supporters with email.

How will you draw a crowd to your next gala, silent auction, golf tournament, or walk-a-thon? No matter what kind of event your nonprofit is hosting, one of the biggest challenges event planners face is simply getting people to attend the event. In order to meet your fundraising goals, you probably have a certain number of people

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Learn 5 reasons to hold a charity golf tournament in this article.

For nonprofit professionals, finding efficient and effective ways to raise funds is a constant challenge. When it comes to event fundraising, it’s about balancing return on investment, time demands, and positive outcomes. There’s one option that, when planned and executed properly, can not only bring in a hefty amount of money, but accomplish other mission-critical

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A student reads a book on a couch.

If you’re a PTA member, an elementary school event organizer, or otherwise affiliated with K-12 education or fundraising, you’ve probably already heard of read-a-thon fundraisers. After all, read-a-thons are one of the world’s fastest-growing school fundraisers—and for good reason. Read-a-thons not only have the potential to raise thousands of dollars for your school, but they

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A group of schoolchildren sit at desks learning.

If you’ve ever been a student, teacher, or parent at a public school, you know that they’re notoriously underfunded. They depend on school fundraisers and community support to supplement their limited finances. So, if you work at a school, how do you successfully raise money and engage the community in new and exciting ways? We’ll

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Ensure your nonprofit meets these compliance standards when fundraising.

When you’re starting a nonprofit, your top priority is likely boosting your organization’s positive impact on the world. A nonprofit’s work is mission-centric, but to keep this essential work alive, founders and staff members must also think about the legal logistics of their organization’s operations. For example, before planning a fundraising event, you must first

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Learn the best practices for planning your next fundraising event.

Hosting fundraising events can energize your donors to give to your campaign and spread the word about your organization. But, your fundraising event requires thorough planning to be successful.  Proactive fundraising event planning helps you identify your priorities and prevent issues before they occur. Whether you’re new to event planning or you’re looking to optimize

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Animal fundraisers are an opportunity for animal shelters, advocacy groups, and pet-affiliated businesses to create a memorable experience for supporters and improve the lives of animals in need. But to make a significant impact, you need a narrowly-focused campaign and access to ample resources. Luckily, there are several fundraising strategies that can set you on the right

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Walking is something that most of us can do with ease, and it is a relaxing and healthy way to pass the time. This is what makes walk-a-thons popular for school organizations and nonprofits looking for a challenging and engaging way of raising money. Organizing a stellar walk-a-thon can be challenging, so here are five

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Rental income is a viable revenue stream for many nonprofit organizations.

Many nonprofits typically lean on more traditional fundraising methods like dues, raffles, and events to raise money. But there are other, less thought of methods of fundraising that involve leveraging physical assets; mainly, it involves earning rental income. Renting out owned space makes sense for nonprofits. Rental income for nonprofits may be a lesser-explored method

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gift basket - free prize for charity auction or raffle

Raffles and auctions can be great fundraisers. They depend almost entirely on what prizes and other items you get to raffle or auction though! First and foremost, the items you raffle off should be free, low cost, or donated so you make a good profit. It also has to align with your mission (or not

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fundraising thermometer

Fundraising thermometers are great donation tracking tools that work in real-time at events, on your virtual fundraising page, or internally with your fundraising team. Here is a quick guide on why they work, how and when to use them, and where to find some free sample templates.  Why Fundraising Thermometers Work They are visual.  Social

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virtual fundraising events - watching movies

There are many circumstances when getting people together to host a fundraising event simply isn’t feasible, whether it be social distancing during a pandemic or just simply geographic distance. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can bring people together in unique ways to generate excitement for your fundraising efforts! In this article, we will

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what we learned about fundraising in 2020 - rearview mirror

2020 was a tough year, but it forced us as a nonprofit fundraising community to innovate and renovate in amazing ways that will resonate long into the future. So what exactly did we learn about fundraising in 2020? These are some of the top takeaways. Takeaway 1: People are Generous in a Crisis In November,

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