Whether you’re trying to fill up your annual fund or looking to raise money for a new project, every nonprofit can relate to the struggle of trying to find the perfect fundraiser. Fundraising ideas work best when they require very little time and effort on the nonprofit’s ...

According to 360MatchPro, at the average nonprofit, only 1.31% of individual contributions are matched by a corporation. This, however, isn’t due to a lack of matching gift opportunities. In fact, more than 26 million people work for companies with matching gift programs. Workplace giving is ultimately a win-win ...

As we head into the year-end giving season, nonprofits must ensure their technology is ready to handle the influx of holiday and Giving Tuesday donations. For this end-of-the-year season, keep an eye on your technology and ensure it meets your organization’s fundraising and management needs. ...

Thanking your donors should be the first step on your to-do list after your fundraising campaign. But what about thanking your volunteers? Your fundraising campaigns need both donors and volunteers to be successful, and your volunteers deserve recognition for all they do to promote your ...

As a new nonprofit founder, you have a lot on your plate to launch your mission-driven initiatives. One of the first and most important items you should tackle when getting your nonprofit up and running is to become a 501(c)(3) organization under the IRS. A ...

Imagine this: your nonprofit has spent months planning a dynamic silent auction for your supporters. You’ve marketed your event extensively, created a simple registration experience, booked the venue and catering, and more. However, when the big event day comes around, your team struggles to organize ...

Picture this: You enter your animal shelter where hopeful eyes greet you and furry friends eagerly await their chance at a forever home. Despite this heartwarming scene, you know that there’s hard work to be done behind the scenes to ensure that every tail is ...

Your dance studio has a lot of expenses, from staff salaries to the monthly upkeep and rental costs of your facility. While you likely receive a good chunk of your necessary funding through student tuition, class fees, and recital tickets, it’s likely that you could use ...

A strong nonprofit website requires several different design elements, from mobile optimization to streamlined navigation. However, it’s not only important to consider the function of your website, but also how well your digital presence conveys your identity and communicates your brand to your audience. After ...

We’ve written previously at FundraisingIP about the benefits of matching gift programs for nonprofits—and how they can best assist their donors in navigating the opportunities. After all, matching gift programs have emerged as a powerful tool to amplify the impact of individual giving. In fact, they’re ...

From recruitment to graduation, your brothers or sisters all pitch in to help your chapter thrive through fundraising. Not only do your members fundraise to offset internal costs such as dues, but they also fundraise to satisfy one of your core values: community service. By ...

Whether you want to enhance your corporate team building or expand your community connections, charity races are exceptional opportunities to engage your community. They provide a chance to get active and connect participants under one meaningful cause. To make the most of your charity run experience, follow ...

Nonprofit organizations often host fundraising events to generate the revenue they need to work toward their mission. However, these events have the potential to do more for your nonprofit than simply empowering you to collect gifts. They also provide an opportunity to engage supporters, raise ...

Whether you’re collecting funds on behalf of your philanthropic partner or your chapter itself, your fraternity or sorority focuses lots of its energy on fundraising. That being said, no matter what you’re fundraising for, executing your fundraising initiatives must be a team effort. However, this can be easier ...

Need to construct a new building, update a program facility, or fund an endowment for your organization? You can achieve any of these large projects by launching a capital campaign.  Capital campaigns are large-scale fundraisers carried out over a set time period (usually several years) ...