If you’ve ever organized a school fundraiser, you may look back and remember all of the time and planning it took to pull it off. Maybe you spent weeks or even months selecting the perfect fundraising idea, promoting the campaign using posters and flyers, reaching ...

Running a nonprofit means you’ll need to inspire generosity to garner monetary support from your donors. Then, you’ll need to manage your finances well to ensure that your beneficiaries receive the help they need. Although your supporters want to help power your mission, there are a multitude ...

Imagine this—you’re experiencing a live auction event atmosphere that is bustling with excitement, energy, and enthusiasm. The auctioneer sets a quick, engaging pace that invites bidders to support the associated charitable cause wholeheartedly. You look around the ballroom and start to notice each guest seems ...

The use of artificial intelligence in the nonprofit sector has fundamentally changed the way organizations spread their message and increase donations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation even equipped 50 grant recipients with funding to support their efforts to use AI tools to create community health and development ...

Workplace giving is a favorite form of corporate philanthropy for the companies, employees, and nonprofits involved. These programs enable businesses to make the most of generosity and corporate social responsibility (CSR) while encouraging team members to take an active role in their giving success. If ...

It’s been said that health is wealth. But for healthcare organizations like yours that are committed to improving how they serve patients and communities, pulling in fundraising revenue is a critical aspect of your operations. Not only does fundraising allow you to pay your staff, invest in ...

Today, a company’s success is not only measured by its financial performance but by its commitment to making a positive impact on the world. This transformation in perspective has given rise to a powerful force: corporate philanthropy. This guide is designed to be your compass ...

We’ve written before about the importance of corporate giving vendors in nonprofit fundraising. One such platform is POINT. In this guide, we’re going to dive deeper into that solution and see what you, as a nonprofit fundraising professional, should know about it. Specifically, we’ll cover ...

As a leader in your company, you’re always on the lookout for innovative ideas to improve employee productivity, spread brand awareness, and attract talented additions to your team. What if we told you there’s a way to achieve all that while making the world a ...

With advancements in technology, nonprofits have an incredible opportunity to revolutionize the way in which they engage with donors, cultivate relationships, and approach the donor journey. The donor journey is the path individuals take from initial awareness to becoming dedicated supporters. At a basic level, it encompasses the ...

Working for an organization committed to social good can be fulfilling work. However, it can just as easily be draining, and even the most passionate employees are subject to burnout, declining motivation, and disengagement.  This is a problem that plagues both for- and nonprofit organizations, ...

If your company wants to give back to its community, offering a workplace giving program—through which you give gifts of time and donations to nonprofit organizations—is the best place to start. These programs are a win-win-win, because they benefit your company, the nonprofits you give ...

Did you know that employee engagement in the United States has been declining over the past couple of years? For the first time in a decade, the employee engagement rate decreased from 36% in 2020 to 34% in 2021, with an even further decrease to ...

In today’s digital age, video content has become an essential tool for nonprofits seeking to raise awareness, engage supporters, and drive positive change in their communities. However, with the vast sea of content available online, it can be difficult to distinguish your nonprofit’s videos from the ...

Nonprofit professionals need to be crafty in how they secure fundraising revenue—their mission depends on it. Fortunately, with the rise of online fundraising campaigns for nonprofits, there are many ways for passionate advocates to connect with and contribute to causes they care about. Plus, some corporations ...