Two people sorting through donation boxes

Extending your nonprofit’s reach to new and distant audiences is essential for growth, but you can’t forget about your strongest base of support, your home community. Having strong connections and being seen as a reputable organization in your local area ensures that the people you aim to serve know who you are and can easily

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Small fundraising organizations often suffer from a lack of available volunteer resources; even large organizations have difficulty finding enough volunteers at times. A lack of volunteers can severely limit the scope of fundraising efforts, and in turn the amount of funds raised. The good news is that small and volunteer-poor organizations have a larger well

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thank you letter community

Following is a sample ‘thank you’ letter for donation to be sent to a community. Feel free to copy and customize this thank you letter for donations with your group’s specific information as needed. (Are you looking for a different kind of fundraising letter?)       Dear neighbor, (citizen, parent) Do you remember receiving

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