It’s a good idea to tweak and improve, or set up your fundraising website now, before the major fundraising activities start in the Fall. We have several articles on raising funds online on this topic, but would like to also point out the results of the donorCentrics™ Internet Giving Benchmarking Analysis. According to this analysis

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Fundraisers are run for the benefit of worthwhile groups, so it seems only natural that there should be a sense of responsibility and philanthropy attached to them. More and more these days what is responsible and philanthropic is to save the world we live in by practicing green-living and working. Your group can come on

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There’s a lot to be considered when planning a fundraising campaign: what to sell (if anything), how to sell it, when, and what supporter interest in a product or service will be. The answer is different for every organization or group given their budget, resources, personnel, and money needs. But one of the most important

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Unfortunately, problems among fundraising volunteers are common and can really dampen the spirits of everyone involved. Maybe you’ve seen it happen before: your group has started a new fundraising campaign and everyone is excited. Everything is going well, until, seemingly out of nowhere, volunteers start to argue, or even quit. What happened? More often than

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Maybe you’ve been raising funds for your kids school, cancer research programs, or other good causes for quite some time, but now you find that you need some financial help yourself. Maybe you’ve lost your job or had your hours cut back. Now what? The only thing that can help long term of course is

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Having the reins of the fundraising wagon passed on to you can be a daunting and overwhelming task. If you are new to the position, or even if you have been involved in a fundraising campaign that needs some new ideas, you’re sure to find yourself wondering where to start. More than any other piece

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Demographics – statistics and summations of fundraising populations – can be useful tools for targeting fundraising efforts. Making the most of fundraising demographics entails research and effective utilization of the statistics available. Today’s Fundraising Demographics Fundraising demographics are wide and varied and, like every year, come with some changes and surprises: According to the U.S.

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Most fundraising groups go into fundraisers knowing exactly what they want or need to spend their profit on. Having that goal is of course very helpful to boosting the success of the fundraiser. When it is all said and done though, and it comes time to disperse and spend fundraiser profits, fundraising committees sometimes find

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drafting volunteer job descriptions - job description folder

Job descriptions for volunteers are recommended by many fundraising consultants and industry experts as an aid to volunteers, an organizational tool, and a preventative for volunteer burnout. (Volunteer recruitment checklist) Volunteer job descriptions let people know exactly what is required of them if they sign up for a specific fundraising job, so volunteers can plan

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Executing a good fundraising campaign is only half the battle; the behind-the-scenes management of the fundraising campaign constitutes the other half. Good fundraiser management starts from the very beginning with keeping good records. Accurate record keeping ensures not only that the current campaign will proceed as smoothly as possible, but also that future campaigns will

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Are you currently raising funds for an individual to help him or her with unforeseen expenses due to health problems or job loss for example? If the funds raised aren’t sufficient to help the individual avoid extreme financial hardship or even poverty, consider helping him or her apply for one of the personal grants available

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If you’ve decided that your group is ready to start a non-profit, consider the following steps involved in the successful and legal creation of a new non-profit organization. Be aware that requirements can vary from state to state and from organization to organization. This list is best used as an overview, a basic to-do list

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Most parent-teacher groups operating in the U.S. today are not affiliated with the national PTA. In large part, these groups have decided to remain independent of the national PTA in order to avoid membership fees and dues. The downside to being independent of the national PTA, however, is that administrative tasks, such as authoring bylaws

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Hit your goals

The first item on your group’s agenda at the start of each fundraising season or campaign should be to set goals. The most prominent fundraising goal will be a dollar figure, but your organization may benefit from setting other goals as well. Setting Clear Dollar-Figure Fundraising Goals It is best if your financial fundraising goal

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A group’s best efforts can end in failure for some very common and predictable reasons. Some of the most common mistakes in fundraising campaigns include: Insufficient planning: – Be sure to thoroughly identify and then delegate every single task. Everyone should know exactly what they’re expected to do. Set realistic goals and deadlines and put

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