Matching Gifts and Matching Grants Double the Impact!

In today’s fundraising landscape, every dollar counts. And what’s better than the amount of funds your organization is currently receiving? If you could double that number! With the power of matching gifts and matching grants, that possibility can become your reality. In this blog post, we’ll explore how each of these dynamic donation match strategies

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In this quick guide, we’ll go over why and how to promote text-to-give at your next charity auction.

As a nonprofit professional, you’re constantly on the lookout for the latest and greatest fundraising ideas for your cause. Fortunately, as technology advances, many tools have emerged for engaging supporters, including text-to-give. Thanks to the prevalence of mobile phones in today’s society, text-to-give is a powerful addition to any fundraising strategy. What’s more, you can couple it

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The title of the post imposed over an image of hands typing on a laptop.

Think about the worst marketing message you’ve received in your inbox. Maybe it started with a generic greeting, or, worse, a misspelling of your name. Maybe it had a desperate or patronizing tone. Whatever the case, it probably left a bad taste in your mouth and didn’t inspire you to continue engaging with the organization. 

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This guide explores the three reasons schools should use fundraising software.

If you’ve ever organized a school fundraiser, you may look back and remember all of the time and planning it took to pull it off. Maybe you spent weeks or even months selecting the perfect fundraising idea, promoting the campaign using posters and flyers, reaching out to potential supporters, and counting up the donations received. 

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In this article, explore ways to inspire generosity in your supporters and encourage them to give in-kind donations that further your mission.

Running a nonprofit means you’ll need to inspire generosity to garner monetary support from your donors. Then, you’ll need to manage your finances well to ensure that your beneficiaries receive the help they need. Although your supporters want to help power your mission, there are a multitude of reasons why they might not be able to make

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This article will discuss how you can engage a diverse live auction audience.

Imagine this—you’re experiencing a live auction event atmosphere that is bustling with excitement, energy, and enthusiasm. The auctioneer sets a quick, engaging pace that invites bidders to support the associated charitable cause wholeheartedly. You look around the ballroom and start to notice each guest seems to have their own bidding tendencies. Maybe one bidder seems

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This image shows the title of the post — 4 Tips to Improve Your Nonprofit’s AI Fundraising Efforts.

The use of artificial intelligence in the nonprofit sector has fundamentally changed the way organizations spread their message and increase donations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation even equipped 50 grant recipients with funding to support their efforts to use AI tools to create community health and development solutions. This project demonstrates the spirit of urgency and innovation

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Read our guide to corporate social responsibility and ideas your company can implement.

As a leader in your company, you’re always on the lookout for innovative ideas to improve employee productivity, spread brand awareness, and attract talented additions to your team. What if we told you there’s a way to achieve all that while making the world a better place? That’s where corporate social responsibility comes in. Corporate social

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Simplify the fundraising planning process with these five easy fundraising ideas.

Whether you’re trying to fill up your annual fund or looking to raise money for a new project, every nonprofit can relate to the struggle of trying to find the perfect fundraiser. Fundraising ideas work best when they require very little time and effort on the nonprofit’s part but still have the potential to increase supporter engagement

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Raise money for your animal shelter with these tips.

Picture this: You enter your animal shelter where hopeful eyes greet you and furry friends eagerly await their chance at a forever home. Despite this heartwarming scene, you know that there’s hard work to be done behind the scenes to ensure that every tail is wagging, every belly is full, and every paw is cared

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Explore these winning dance studio fundraising ideas to support your revenue goals.

Your dance studio has a lot of expenses, from staff salaries to the monthly upkeep and rental costs of your facility. While you likely receive a good chunk of your necessary funding through student tuition, class fees, and recital tickets, it’s likely that you could use another revenue stream to help cover day-to-day costs. This is

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Group of young people sits outside on their devices

From recruitment to graduation, your brothers or sisters all pitch in to help your chapter thrive through fundraising. Not only do your members fundraise to offset internal costs such as dues, but they also fundraise to satisfy one of your core values: community service. By partnering with a charitable organization, you can deliver valuable experiences

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Whether you’re collecting funds on behalf of your philanthropic partner or your chapter itself, your fraternity or sorority focuses lots of its energy on fundraising. That being said, no matter what you’re fundraising for, executing your fundraising initiatives must be a team effort. However, this can be easier said than done. As a sorority or fraternity leader, you

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When you think of fundraising, nonprofits or schools might come to mind. Nonprofits use fundraisers to fuel their missions, relying on support from donors to assist beneficiaries, pay staff, market their programs, and more. But, associations can take advantage of the benefits of fundraising too. In addition to helping your organization diversify its revenue sources,

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Group of volunteers celebrating the completion of an event.

Whether you’re a nonprofit or an association, you know that fundraising events can play a huge part in sustaining your organization. Making every fundraiser successful means getting help from tons of people with different skills and responsibilities. From planning events to hosting them and every step in between, volunteers can become a valuable extension of

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