Every new president brings policy and economic changes that affect charities and their fundraising. Possibly never before has the nation been so uncertain about the future than with the new Trump administration, however. Changes can be good for you – if you adapt with them to keep being successful. Here is what you need to know about how …
It’s that time of year again, when your board chair is asking, “how did fundraising go this year?” Whether you met your goals or fell short, it can be difficult to explain all of the work you did to cultivate your donors, throw events, find new grants, and befriend corporate sponsors. Here are some tips …
The holidays are just around the corner, and end-of-year has snuck upon us once again. Read on for one of our sample donation request letters we hope will provide some inspiration and help for your appeal! For more sample fundraising letters, browse here. For more on annual appeals, click here. For even more sample letters, see …
Nonprofits raise more than half their funding at “year-end”, or the final two or three months of the year. Up to a third of online donations are made in December alone. From emails to formal letters to “tweet” or text campaigns, here are some concrete samples of good year-end fundraising appeals to help your organization …
In just 6 steps, you can create meaningful benchmarks to help your nonprofit in strategic planning, proposal writing, and evaluation of your staff and programs. You can apply benchmarks to nearly anything that is goal oriented, so you can use them liberally to improve your measurement and ultimately your nonprofit’s efficacy! Step 1: Figure out …
Nonprofits cannot get involved in politics and elections, but they can piggyback off of them! Here’s a simple road-map to identify how your nonprofit can benefit from elections this fall, and some ideas for how to go about it. At minimum, you can boost attendance to your already planned events, increase your network, improve your …
This is the first in our new series “Spotlight: Nonprofits.” More info below. How can a nonprofit serving dozens of community partners through hundreds of volunteers keep track of who it is helping and how? The answer: Adapting from paper-based, onerous administrative systems to one data storage and analytics web-based nonprofit software. Web-based nonprofit Software …
A successful pledge campaign requires a good amount of detail work but is worth your while to increase donations. A pledge campaign, simply put, is asking people to commit to giving to your organization or cause at some point in the future or on a regular basis. Compare a pledge to a “buy now pay …
Every nonprofit should know about these free and simple tools to create professional graphics for presentations, websites, social media, proposals, posters, and programs. You can instantaneously save on your bottom line. You can create your own invitations and marketing materials. And you can make your proposals, presentations, and annual reports stand out from your competition and …
We love statistics for a reason. They break down our complex ideas to simple numbers and make our work measurable. You don’t need a statistic to know how much statistics help your nonprofit – to backing up the need for your work with real community indicators, to measuring and tracking your impact and comparing yourself …
Turn your passion into a viable income with these 15 tips to earn money as a professional fundraiser! Good fundraisers are hard to find, and hence they are the most actively recruited, and best paid, positions within nonprofit agencies. The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that the top 1% of professional fundraisers are earning around $1 …
Demographics have always played an important role in fundraising. The expendable income of the various groups can determine how fundraising campaigns are targeted, and what the messages ought to be. The Boomer Generation, those who were born between 1946 and 1964, holds a tremendous opportunity for serious fundraising campaigns. Baby Boomers in the US According …
Every nonprofit needs a credit card, to simplify vendor payments or just to pay for office supplies. Another great benefit of using a credit card for your nonprofit can be establishing business credit – provided you seek out a credit card company that reports to business credit reporting agencies. In order to find out if …
Millennials are a generous generation, with about 80% giving to charity according to the Blackbaud Generational Giving Report. But how do you get millennials to donate to Your cause? What has worked to appeal to their parents and grandparents will not necessarily work for millennial however, and nonprofits need to rethink their fundraising strategies accordingly …
Nonprofits are eligible for billions of dollars of discretionary funds from the federal government, all listed on one website: Grants.gov. In fact, 26 agencies of the federal government are mandated to re-grant their funding from Congress for social programs, science, defense, and even food and agriculture to state or local agencies and/or nonprofits and businesses …
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